St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
Loughton, Essex
St John Fisher is an excellent Catholic Primary School where, in accordance with our Mission Statement, the love of God helps us all to live, learn, and grow to be a happy, caring and welcoming community. As a Catholic school, we provide a distinctive education for all our pupils. Our school is a love filled learning environment where, as a Catholic community, we celebrate the successes of our children in all areas of school life through our distinctive curriculum. We aim for all children reach their full potential. We recognise the uniqueness of each and every child and strive to provide opportunities for children to fully develop their unique skills and talents in aspects such as music, sports or the arts. It is our vocation and mission to ensure that all the pupils at St John Fisher get the very best that we can offer them during their time at our school.
We aim:
- To provide a safe, caring stimulating environment for our children.
- To foster in our children a reverence for God, the real presence.of Christ in the world and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
- To foster and celebrate a sense of love and respect for one another, and a true understanding of the Catholic Faith.
- To see the values of God’s kingdom, prayer, truth, holiness, justice, love, forgiveness and peace at work in our school community.
- To deepen the relationship between the home, school and our local parishes.
- To use the school’s Mission Statement as a basis for ensuring personal growth and professional development within our community.
- To help the children to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to live a full and interesting adult life in the community.