Lectors / Readers
Is God calling YOU to proclaim his word? If the answer is YES, please consider joining the ministry of Readers.
Readers are delegated the task of proclaiming God’s word during the Liturgy of the Word in parish liturgical celebrations. From time to time they may also be asked to guide the community in prayer through the Prayer of the Faithful. Typically, this involves:
- proclaiming the First Reading at liturgies
- leading the Responsorial Psalm when no Cantor is available.
- proclaiming the Second Reading at liturgies
We welcome readers from all sections of our parish both young and old, male and female, married and single.
Adult Readers should be baptised, have made First Holy Communion and Confirmation (the latter two in the Catholic Church), be regularly participating in the life of and be in good standing within the parish.
Young people are especially welcome to take part in the ministry of Reader and should be encouraged to do so after they have been confirmed.
If you would like to register your interest to serve the community in this way, please contact the Fr. Boguslaw Kot for details.